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An incentive program that engage more members

Local engagement among the members is the key to a more sustainable living environment. Local Minds is an engagement tool that makes it fun for members to simplify the life for the board.

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Faster and cheaper problem solving.

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New incentives for members to contribute.

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Tools for a happier community.

Local Minds på 2 minuter

Local Minds på 2 minuter

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Not a classic "Housing-app". An engagement tool.

Connect us with your information and communication channels!


for the administration

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Smart processes for self-maintenance or moving in and out

In the app, you can ensure that members are motivated to solve various things themselves and absorb important information.

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QR codes that create behaviour change

For example, in recycling rooms or ensuring that information reaches all the way through. Also drive activity to specific locations.

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Get more information from residents

Gather more ideas and opinions from members. Faster notifications and reports on, for example, littering.

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The property manager's third hand

In the app, the property manager can easily get help from members with practical tasks, when needed.

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Specific efforts

Points can be awarded for anything. Now, for example, we are running efforts in energy efficiency.

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Cost savings

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Time and administration


for residents

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Help or get help from a neighbour

Members get a more enjoyable platform to interact through. Help each other, borrow stuff, problem solving and collaborate.

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Interact with property management

Members interact in various ways to simplify the management of the property.

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Create and participate in social activities

Members can create and participate in various social activities. The app matches neighbors with similar interests.

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Participate in joint activities

The administration, the municipality or Local Minds can create various joint activities for the members. The app drives activity.

...and more!

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Save money

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Improved social values

For a stronger and more fun community.

You are the best in managing your community. We know technology and are experts in creating engagement. That's why we offer a platform that will help your community flourish together with more committed members.

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Local Minds på 2 minuter

Local Minds på 2 minuter

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A rewards system
unique insights.

Members collect points and unlock rewards by completing local missions within the community. The community's points are refilled each month and the board will receive reports on how the commitment changes.

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Data that helps you get to know your communities

Through data and automated flows, we measure how engagement grows over time. And implements efforts to increase social sustainability in the area. At the same time, the data helps you make better decisions and get to know the people who live in your properties.

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Network of partners

With a bunch of partners, we make it easy, fun and rewarding for your members to be part of the local life.

Setting up of local rewards is included in the monthly cost.

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Every-day rewards
Add a bit of luxury to everyday life or avoid some boring costs.

Local rewards
Enjoy what your local area has to offer while also supporting local entrepreneurs.

Donate your points to charity and make life better for someone else.

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Talk to

Local Minds

Book a call with Local Minds to see the app "in action" or if you want to talk about opportunities for your community.

Demo (25 minutes)

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Price & arrangement

A flexible plan for every community.

Increase engagement

from 499 SEK / month*

Generates 1250 points to spend.

Refill anytime

If you need to create more rewarding activities, you can top up your points at any time in the app.

The investment goes back to the members

Any unspent points are automatically distributed to members at the end of the month.

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Brf Svea Två

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Brf Turkey

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Brf Electrum

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Brf Vintage

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K2A Barkarbystaden


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Is your property not with us yet?

Read more
on our blog.

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Simple onboarding.
Easy to administrate.


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